
It’s time to look past party labels and work together

By Rep. Jeff McCabe

    Last week, the members of the 127th Legislature took their oath of office. We come from all corners of the state – from Fort Kent to Calais to Kittery and everywhere in between.
    We are Democrats, Republicans and independents, residents of rural and urban communities on the coast, in the woods and in the mountains.

    Maine people want us to work together. They want to look beyond party labels. They want a government that works. I’m committed to giving the people of our state what they want.
    I’m looking forward to working with my fellow Democrats, our Republican colleagues and Governor Paul LePage during the upcoming legislative session. No matter where we come from — both physically and philosophically — we all want to do what’s right for our constituents, our communities, our families and our state.
    Much of what I’ve learned about being an effective leader comes from my work as a licensed Maine guide, summer after summer, on the great rivers that run through Maine. It’s a fun job – and one that carries a lot of responsibility.
    To successfully guide a rafting trip downstream, you need to build trust with those in your boat.
    You need to have open lines of communication with those around you.
    You must think strategically and plan. You must always be looking ahead. And you must be ready to deal with the unexpected — ready to deal with whatever comes your way with the help of those around you — and adjust accordingly.
    There is no doubt, sometimes you don’t always get along on a trip. And there can be disagreements about which direction to go — especially when rocks lie ahead.
    The key is to listen to all points of view and provide clear direction about the best path forward.
    And no matter what, a trip will always be more successful when everyone works together, which also applies to our work in Augusta.
    It is essential for all of us elected leaders to move beyond party labels, partisan ideologies and gridlock. It’s time for us to work together to build a better future for the people of this state.
    There will be times when we disagree. We can see these as opportunities to bring together people from different perspectives and backgrounds and to engage in healthy dialogue.
    We can find common ground and craft strong proposals through dialogue — all while standing up for our values, values like strengthening working families, protecting our natural resources, our local economies and increasing opportunity statewide.
    The people of Maine want a government they can be proud of.
    They want a government that can come together to find common ground.
    And, it’s time that we give that government to them.
Rep. McCabe (D-Skowhegan) is Majority Leader for the Maine House of Representatives.

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