Where do we go from here?
By Jan Dolcater
Our great nation cannot continue to be a beacon to the world by abandoning the established principles on which it was built. Our current path leads to a morass of confusion and ultimately of collapse. I propose to you that we need to seriously examine our situation and then develop straightforward ways to change our course.
Areas in our government that need to change direction:
Accountability — All levels of government must be accountable to our citizens. Over the past several years, we have had a series of scandals that have involved the Internal Revenue Service, the Veterans Administration, and the Department of Health and Human Services with the implementation of the “Affordable Care Act”. In each of these scandals, our current administration has not held any of the individuals responsible for the failure, negligence or malfeasance that occurred. This type of governance must stop now and in the future.
Honesty — For our nation to grow and be respected both at home and abroad, honesty in what we say and integrity in what we do must be followed. When our President or other top-ranking officials talk to the public, it is essential that they be straightforward and honest. It has been exceptionally unfortunate that our current leader knowingly and repeatedly told us lies about the ACA/Obamacare. He and others in the administration knew that many would not be able to keep our insurance plans nor our doctors. On many occasions we were told about the significant savings that the public would receive, the result has been large insurance cost increases, along with high increases in deductibles. Even more trouble lies ahead after the elections, when employers get their new rates on insurance.
Integrity — As we progress forward, it is time for facts and reality to be stated, rather than couched or twisted ways to align with political correctness. Islamic terrorism should be acknowledged when it is apparent, and not disguised as “workplace violence.” We cannot be absurd when discussing this with friend or foe. Peoples of all nationalities and backgrounds have enough intelligence to recognize fact from fiction.
We need to get back on course. Our words and actions should be our bond now and in the future.
Purpose — I believe it is important for us to review the last half-century and see when and where our beloved country began to lose its way. In my opinion, the decline began in the 60s, when the drug culture took root and the sexual revolution came on the scene. Neither has produced a positive effect on us today. If anyone will take the time to review and examine countries or empires that achieved high levels of prosperity, they all began to decline when the moral values and disciplines were relaxed or ignored. Morality needs to be encouraged at all levels and not laughed at.
The areas discussed above and those to be discussed in future articles are important, if we wish to get back on the right track. Lip service, lies and political obstruction must not be tolerated as we work to achieve meaningful solutions.
Dolcater of Rockport is a member of a group of concerned Midcoast citizens who meet to discuss issues of public interest. Their weekly column has been awarded by the Maine Press Association.