PCSWCD celebrates 70th anniversary Sept. 27
Staff Report
SOUTH SANGERVILLE — The Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District (PCSWCD) is hosting a 70th anniversary celebration on Saturday, Sept. 27 at the South Sangerville Grange.
The festivities will begin at 4 p.m. and will include a social hour and networking; a local, seasonal dinner, guest speakers — including the Maine Association of Conservation Districts Executive Director Tom Gordon — cultural heritage displays and much more.
The district will also honor Dawna Blackstone of Shirley, the Appalachian Mountain Club’s Regional Education Coordinator, as 2014 Outstanding Conservation Educator of the Year Award.
Blackstone holds a Bachelor of Science degree in physical education and a Master of Science degree in health education. She has been a school health coordinator and part-time health teacher in Greenville for the past eight years and has run several activity-related before and after-school programs, including a cross-country ski program with Maine Winter Sports Center.
The Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District was formed in 1944 to protect the soil and water in this region of Maine, and since that time they have grown to help protect and manage all of our county’s natural resources.
Today, PCEDC is involved with educational programming in Piscataquis County schools and host a growing list of annual educational events. They maintain two public outdoor educational sites — the demonstration forest in Williamsburg and the Law Farm in Dover-Foxcroft — and are a leader in teaching our youth about forestry and agriculture in our area through our successful coordination of educational opportunities for youth, schools and families.
The district serves Piscataquis County landowners by educating and connecting them with information and plans of action, for concerns pertaining to natural resource conservation, agriculture and forestry. They provide technical trainings and programming for licensed foresters, farmers, teachers, students, contractors, lake and road associations and municipalities.
For more information or to RSVP for the 70th anniversary celebration, call 564-2321 ext. 3 or drop them an email at info@piscataquisswcd.org.