
Greenville Recreation Center up and running at Leisure Life Resort

By Mike Lange
Staff Writer

    GREENVILLE — After several years of moving from one location to another, the Greenville Recreation Department now has a permanent home.
    Thanks to action taken at the annual town meeting in June, the town’s recreation center is now located in leased space at the Leisure Life Resort on the Lily Bay Road.

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    NEW LOCATION — Zumba instructor Stephanie Salmi, left, and Greenville Recreation Director Sally Tornquist are enjoying the town’s new center at the Leisure Life Resort.

    The room formerly housed the Moosehead Fitness Center, so it’s ideal for the town’s programs, said recreation director Sally Tornquist. “We have rest rooms, office space and plenty of room for weights, a few treadmills and maybe a ping pong table and foosball,” Tornquist said.
    Dance instructor Stephanie Salmi has started several classes for all age groups at the center and predicted that she’ll be quite busy once the weather cools down. “I’m really excited about being part of this program,” Salmi said. “It’s nice to be in one location for a change.”
    Previously, the town’s recreation programs were held at the now-demolished Nickerson Elementary School, the town’s industrial park incubator building, the Greenville Consolidated School cafeteria and the Center for Moosehead History.
    But when the space became available at Leisure Life, Tornquist and town officials negotiated an agreement to lease the space. Tornquist said that she agreed to raise half of the $575 monthly rent through donations, grants and fees. “So far, we’re getting a lot of support,” she said.
    The landlords, Ronald and Nancy Adrien, renovated and painted the rooms and John Pepin of Pepin Associates donated the floor. However, the rec center is still sparsely furnished, and could use donations of folding chairs, a refrigerator and vacuum cleaner, said the director.

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    ZUMBA AT GREENVILLE REC — Adult Zumba classes are being held at the new Greenville Recreation Center at the Leisure Life Resort twice weekly. Pictured, from left, are Kathy Cobb, Amber Simmons, Debi Lynn Baker and Cathy Sweetser.

    “We’re working with local artist Martha Dackosky on an adult art class, we’re looking for a martial arts instructor and maybe even holding square dance lessons,” said Tornquist. “We want this to be used for all age groups.”
    Another advantage to the new site is access to outdoor activities such as volleyball and the nearby golf driving range at the resort.
    Tornquist, who has a variety of skills from appraising property to operating construction equipment, has been on the job as recreation director for the past three years. Anyone who has ideas for programs or would like more information can contact her at 280-0990.
    An open house is being planned within the next few weeks and updates will be posted on the Greenville Recreation Facebook page.
    Monetary donations can be sent to the Greenville Recreation Department, care of Sally Tornquist, PO Box 1109, Greenville 04441.

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