
Herring/Lander 2014 reunion recap

    ABBOT — On Aug. 9, 38 people met for the annual Herring/Lander Reunion at William and Constance Lander’s camp on Piper Pond.
    Following an auction and very nice meal the current officers were re-elected for 2014. It was voted to divide equally this years proceeds to the scholarship funds.

    Last year’s scholarship recipients were Cameron Kendall of Foxcroft Academy and Jonathon Fortier of PCHS.
    The farthest to travel this year were Mike and Aimee Huff from San Diego. The youngest was Otto Hartford and the oldest Robert Lander.
    Lost this year were Joyce Huff of Vieira, Fla. and Eric Huff from Parsippany, N.J.
    Next year’s reunion will be at the same location on Piper Pond on Saturday, Aug. 8, 2015 at 4 p.m. with an auction and meal at 6 p.m.

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