Grange events in August
Friday, Aug. 1 will be a Valley Grange business meeting at 7 p.m. at the Valley Grange Hall, 172 Guilford Center Road in Guilford. For more information call Jim Annis at 564-0820 or visit
Thursday, Aug. 7 the Dexter Grange on Main Street hosts the August meeting of Piscataquis Pomona Grange. Area Grange members are invited to bring a dish to share for a potluck supper starting at 6 p.m. with the meeting to follow at 7. This meeting will feature a visit from Jim Owens, past master of the Maine State Grange. For more information contact Bill Bemis at 924-4123.
Friday, Aug. 8 will be a barbecue public supper from 5-7 p.m. at the Garland Grange Hall on the Oliver Hill Road. Menu includes BBQ pork, BBQ chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad, homemade bread and desserts. Proceeds to benefit Garland Grange New Well Fund. For more information, call 924-6954.
Also on Aug. 8 is a Contra dance from 7-9 p.m. at the Garland Grange Hall. Family friendly music by Some Reel People, and steps instructed by Caller John McIntire. You don’t need to know how to dance, it will be taught. For more information, call 924-3925 or 277-3961.
Saturday, Aug. 9 there will be a baked ham supper at 5 p.m. at the Wayside Grange at 851 North Dexter Road (Route 23) and the meal includes live music. For more information, call Barb Bekier at 924-5711 or visit the Wayside Grange Facebook page.
Saturday, Aug. 16 Valley Grange and Penquis join hands to present another famous Italian buffet. Menu includes a wide range from chicken parm to pizza with food being served from 5 until 7 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the Smarts Starts program, providing backpacks and school supplies to children throughout the area. For more information visit The Valley Grange Hall is located at the corner of Butter Street and Guilford Center Road in Guilford.
On Aug. 16 Piscataquis Pomona Grange hosts an officer installation ceremony for all area Granges and the public is invited. The ceremony will be conducted by Maine State Grange Master Vicki Huff and her installation team starting at 7 p.m. at the Valley Grange. Contact Bill Bemis (924-4123) or Walter Boomsma (343-1842) for more information.
Aug. 16 New Relm takes to the Wayside stage, melding modern country with bluegrass with their own two-step kick. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., concert at 7. For more information, call Joe Kennedy at 277-3733 or Chester Bekier at 924-5711 or visit the Wayside Grange Facebook page.
Thursday, Aug. 21 several area Granges will exhibit at the Piscataquis Valley Fair through Sunday, Aug. 24. Granges who wish to participate should contact Bill Bemis at 924-4123 well in advance to insure space is available. The public is invited to visit the displays in the Exhibit Hall and learn more about the Grange Heritage and its programs.