Missing the Milky Way
To the Editor:
Diesel engines can burn hydrogen as a very inexpensive and clean fuel. The kit to adapt your car or truck costs about $240. Rainwater doesn’t cost very much and rain barrels are cheap.
Solar panels on your roof can generate electricity which can break down rainwater into separated oxygen and hydrogen to power your car or farm tractor — diesel or gasoline. Engines that are powered by hydrogen are quite clean. They do not turn the sky brown like petrochemical fossil fuels.
Have you noticed the disappearance of the Milky Way in recent years? We used to see it almost every moonless or cloudless night.
Now the bright stars all across the sky in our galaxy don’t show up as well as they once they did. Maybe almost vanished, but hardly more than once a year. Still bright when seen from an orbiting space station, but faded here on Earth. Obscured by exhaust.
A very few wealthy people who own fossil fuel selling companies, coal and oil etc. which we burn as energy in our furnaces, cars and trucks, have been buying up the land that everybody owns, digging up the burnables, selling them to get richer than all the rest of us. Their answer to the shortage of fuel is to dig and pump faster. What about their kids and our kids? Greedy, greedy, greedy, but not too smart?
I have driven an electric car that has no tailpipe, never needs an oil change, maybe costs only a dollar to travel 50 miles, top speed 100 but going that fast will reduce its range of 125 miles per charge. Real quiet too. Care for it well and every 200,000 miles unbolt the engine and battery for recycling, bolt in a new set and you have a new car. Only takes half a day’s labor to spruce it up. Electric school buses are available too.
Pretty good start! Are we all crazy or just me?
Charles MacArthur