
Resolution of SAD 41 School Board

    The School Board determines as follows:
    1. As part of a reorganization implemented during the current school year, the Marion C. Cook School is used to provide alternative instruction and special instruction to students, and regular instruction for Lagrange students is provided at the Milo Elementary School.

    2. Maine law provides that a school closing is “any action by the regional school unit board that has the effect of providing no instruction for any students at that school.”
    3. The School Board does not believe that there is a school closing at the Marion C. Cook School because alternative instruction and special education instruction continue to be provided to students at the Marion C. Cook School.
    4. The Maine Department of Education has informed SAD 41 that it believes that a school closing is an action by a regional school unit board that has the effect of providing no regular instruction for any students at the school.
    5. SAD 41 disagrees with the Department of Education’s interpretation because instruction continues to be provided to students at the Marion C. Cook School, and the statute does not differentiate between regular instruction and other forms of instruction.
    6. To the extent, if any, that the Maine Department of Education’s interpretation is correct, the School Board finds that the Marion C. Cook School is closed for lack of need because the school is not currently needed for regular instruction.
    7. The School Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to submit a lack of need report and cost analysis report to the Commissioner of Education for purposes of triggering a school closing referendum vote in Lagrange.
    Recommendation: that the SAD 41 Board of Directors moves to accept the above stated resolution.

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