Milo Free Public Library March news
By Rochelle Williams
Library director
MILO — Books for sale. We are in the process of weeding books from our library in the adult fiction section. There is a nice variety to choose from of authors and subjects (suspense, romance, mystery, etc.). These books reside downstairs in a bookcase and also on tables with a comfy chair to sit and peruse what might interest you. We have a small selection of children’s books as well. Paperbacks are a dime each and hardbacks are a quarter each or five for $1. Come check it out. You never know what you might find.
The book display for March is “Broaden Your Horizons — Try a New Author.” You just might enjoy an author you have not yet read.
More new books are on their way. Questions, call 943-2612 or e-mail us at
Winter hours in effect Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1-7 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to noon.