Mayo Regional Hospital announces the following births.
BRAWN — A son, Judah Isaiah Brawn, born to Jayde Brawn of Greenville and Tim Graves of Shirley on July 19, 2013; joining sibling Jayden Reed. Maternal grandparents are Rinda Hanson of Greenville and Hayword Brawn of Stetson. Paternal grandparents are Bob and Marie Graves of Shirley. Great-grandparents are Wanda and Walter Gary of Greenville.
GAUTHIER — A son, Liam Robert Gauthier, born to Amanda Burhoe and Douglas Gauthier Jr. of Dover Foxcroft on July 20, 2013. Maternal grandparents are Blaine Burhoe of Dover-Foxcroft and Patricia Burhoe of Abbot. Paternal grandparents are Douglas Gauthier Sr. of Garland and Jane Merrill of Dexter. Great-grandmother is Roberta Miles of Dover-Foxcroft.
MARSHALL — A son, Dakota Robert Alan Marshall, born to Stephanie May Merrifield Marshall and Travis Alan Marshall of Dover-Foxcroft on July 23, 2013; joining sibling Haylee May. Maternal grandparents are Robin Plummer Merrifield of Guilford and Tim Merrifield of Saco. Paternal grandparents are Lori Johnson Bishop and Tim Bishop of Dexter and Mark Marshall of Dover-Foxcroft. Great-grandparents are Myrna and Gene Johnson of Sangerville and Robert and Betty Plummer of Wells.
SKIPPER — A son, Wyatt Aaron Skipper, born to Christine (Weber) Skipper and Aaron Skipper on July 26, 2013.