
East Sangerville Grange donates $1,000 to local cancer foundation

    SANGERVILLE — When the parents of Aliza Jean Herrick Stutzman created the Aliza Jean Family Cancer Foundation to honor their daughter’s fight against brain cancer, members of the East Sangerville Grange (ESG) voted unanimously to lend their support.

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CANCER FOUNDATION DONATION — Karen and Craig Stutzman receive a $1,000 donation to the Aliza Jean Family Cancer Foundation from Alan Bray, right, overseer of the East Sangerville Grange.

    They also knew exactly how to do it — by donating all the proceeds from the Grange’s annual “Homemade Jam” Coffee House performance. What they didn’t know was just how much the fundraiser would bring in: an amazing $1,000. Held last May, “Homemade Jam” is a performance that features local musicians from all over Piscataquis County.
    “The Stutzman family have been an integral part of ‘Homemade Jam’ since its inception,” said ESG Overseer Alan Bray.
    Bray presented the donation to Aliza’s parents, Craig and Karen Stutzman, at the Stutzman Farm Stand in Sangerville. Including the ESG’s contribution, the Aliza Jean Family Cancer Foundation has now raised nearly $14,000. The Stutzmans are in the process of registering the foundation as an official 501c3 non-profit organization. They hope to have it finalized before the end of this year.
    “The mission is to financially assist families of Maine children fighting brain cancer as well as surrounding them with positive support,” said Craig Stutzman.
    Donations for the fund can be sent to Bangor Savings Bank c/o Aliza Stutzman Fund P.O. Box 454, Skowhegan Me. 04976. All money raised will go directly to local families whose children are fighting brain cancer.

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