Senior Matters: Live it up!
By Lesley Fernow
June is coming and it is time for people of all ages to Live It Up. In Piscataquis County there are wonderful ways to start the month and to get out. We recommend for maximum health benefit, seniors should do it with a kid. What can be better for the spirit than fishing? Teaching a “young-un” to fish. As a follow up to the Kiwanis Youth Gone-Fishin’ Derby on May 18, Saturday and Sunday June 1 and 2 are designated as “free fishing days”. No license is required for any ages.
This is a special opportunity for seniors who want to spend some “quality time” with grandchildren (your own or someone else’s!) and share your wisdom, patience and love of the outdoors. It is also a time for children to remind us of how it was when everything was new and wonderful, to remind us how to really experience life as if it were the first time. Sharing such moments with children gives meaning to our lives and allows us to pass on our dreams, skills and passions to the next generation. It sometimes stretches us to answer questions we forgot kids ask, and reminds us to keep open to the joy of discovery which young children always have. Our young children need the mentorship of older people to grow into healthy, responsible adults. It is an opportunity for them to learn simple life skills from someone with time to spare who isn’t “measuring” their success. Their parents may also thank you for spending the time with their child.
If fishing is not for you, or you are looking for more “entertainment”, invite a child to go to the Piscataquis Heritage Hot Air Balloon Festival. Enjoy the awesome balloons, lively music, displays and events. Whatever you do, call up a kid and grab an opportunity to “live it up”.
Whatever you are planning with young children, a few tips to make the trip easier: pack a few easy, healthful snacks like granola bars, fruit, raisins. Plan for short outings. An hour or two may be enough for a very young child. Don’t plan on driving a long way to the destination—the child will get bored and may get cranky before you get there. Most of all, have fun!
We invite readers to offer feedback about this column and to suggest topics for future articles. You may do so by contacting Meg Callaway of the Charlotte White Center at 947-1410 and or Lesley Fernow at 992-6822 and