New members inducted into PCSS NJHS chapter
GUILFORD — On Thursday, April 25, 17 new members of the Piscataquis Community Chapter of National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) were inducted into membership.
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NEWEST INDUCTEES — Seventeen students were inducted into the Piscataquis Community Chapter of National Junior Honor Society during a ceremony April 25 at the Guilford school. Pictured are the inductees waiting to be conferred.
The new inductees were eighth grade Ryan Begin, Tia Rice, Danika Hill, Cassandra Richardson and Kaitlyn Easler; and grade seven Adam Bagley, Lena Downes, William Griffith, David Hession, Alexandra Huff, Bailey Lemieux, Makayla McKenzie, Alyssa Pearl-Ross, Abri Roberts, Erin Speed, Cali Turner and Amaya White.
The ceremony was held in the PCSS cafeteria before some 125 people in attendance. NJHS President Morgan Hutchins started the evening off by leading the Pledge of Allegiance and delivering the President’s Message. Bailey Woodard delivered the Vice President’s Message, Miriah Chapman delivered the Secretary’s Message, Taylor Sinclair the Treasurer’s Message and Garrett Kimball the Historian’s Message.
Inductee Danika Hill and her mother
Principal Kevin Harrington gave the Principal’s Address to the new inductees prior to official induction. Once the officers lit the symbolic candles for NJHS the inductees were then greeted into membership by Harrington and then pinned by the members of the Faculty Council. After their official pinning they then signed the official Registry of Records assisted by Morganne Lanier.
Don Moen delivered the Faculty Council Message on behalf of all five members of the council. Don Moen, Robyn Rich, Trisha Moulton, Lenora Randall, and Cori Todd comprise the NJHS Faculty Council.
The event was capped off by an ice cream social.
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NJHS OFFICERS — The officers for the NJHS chapter at PCSS are, from left, Garrett Kimball – historian, Miriah Chapman – secretary, Morganne Lanier – registrar, Morgan Hutchins – president and Taylor Sinclair – treasurer. Not pictured is Vice President Bailey Woodard.
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PROUD FAMILY — New PCSS National Junior Honor Society member Adam Bagley, a seventh-grader, and his attending family.