
13 Greenville property owners miss tax lien deadline

By Bill Pearson
Staff Writer

    GREENVILLE — Town officials expected Feb. 26 to be busy as that was the day 45 property tax lien notices were due. The town had a similar number last year which resulted in all but two property owners making payments to avoid foreclosure. In 2013, the property owners weren’t as fortunate as an unlucky 13 failed to prevent their property from being taken by the town.

    Town Manager Gary Lamb reported at the March 5 selectmen’s meeting that three of the delinquent taxpayers are in discussions to make full payments on their three years of back taxes. Lamb believes that a combination of factors has resulted in the increased numbers of  foreclosures. Town officials are in hopes of entering into a land installment contract with those who have lost their property,
     Town officials plan on contacting the  remaining delinquent payers to remind them that the town now has legal title to their property. Lamb believes most people didn’t pay their tax bills due to either not receiving them in the mail or long term issues which prevented from making a payment.
    “We don’t want to take anybody’s property.” Lamb said. “We’ve sent out a notice reminding them what has happened. We’re in hopes they will come in and make arrangements to pay their tax bill in full.”
    If the delinquent tax payers don’t enter into an agreement, the selectmen have the option to either sell or keep the land for municipal purposes.
    In other action, the board tabled voting on a demolition debris and wood waste draft contract. The selectmen are expected to choose a firm at their April 3 meeting. The selectmen also denied a resident’s request to salvage material from the transfer station. James Chandler made the request, but the selectmen voted the proposal down 5-0. The board believed if one request was granted it would lead to more solicitations.
    The board is also reviewing bids for tax and zoning mapping services for the municipality. The town has received nine bids. The low bid was sent by the town’s current provider, Cartographic Associates of Littleton, N.H., with a bid of $1,100. The highest bid was $9,600 by GZA Geo-Environmentalist Inc. of Portland. The board will choose a firm a future meeting.
    The board will meet next at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20 in the municipal building.

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