
Back care: 2013 can be the year to save money

By Carol Lane
Results Physical Therapy
and Wellness Center PT and CEO

Back pain is the most common medical problem in the U.S. In fact, Americans spend from $50 to $61.2 billion per year on back pain (according to the Journal of American Medical Association). In 2003, Research America released the results of a survey of 1,000 people in the U.S. showing that 57 percent of all adults have had chronic or recurrent back pain in the last year and that 75 percent of people currently in pain had to make adjustments to their lifestyle because of their pain, including 33 percent who had to make major adjustments.

How much money do you spend per year on pain medicine? Maybe a housekeeper because you hurt too much to clean your house, have you had to quit your job, decrease your hours at work or are you not able to work at the job you enjoy most because of your back? Have you spent money on pricey ergonomic chairs and special pillows and beds? What if you lose your insurance? The costs of back pain – big and small, financial and emotional, can all add up.

Most cases of back pain are due to injury or postural imbalances rather than conditions such as arthritis, fractures or cancer. So, the good news is you don’t have to become a part of that statistic with proper education and care for your back. Here are some tips to take care of yourself and prosper in 2013.

Be aware of your posture. Most back pain is mechanical in origin, meaning bad posture stresses your ligaments, muscles and other structures in your back that shouldn’t be stressed when you maintain correct posture. It is no surprise as people today spend more time fixed in front of computers and TVs. Jobs are often very specialized and monotonous. People spend a big portion of their day in the same and often bad postures. 

Changing postures frequently is required to spread mechanical pressure and stress over different areas of your back. In addition, to keep that good posture one must have strength throughout their core muscles, which are often neglected.

Keep your abdominal muscles strong – and that doesn’t mean just doing sit ups. Most frequently back pain goes hand in hand with abdominal weakness. Keeping both your upper and lower abdominal muscles toned up is critical. But that is not the end of the story. If there is weakness in your abdominals you will most often also have weakness in your upper back, low back or legs. These muscle groups are largely responsible for maintaining good posture and thus protecting your spine. So you can clearly see that just doing sit ups is just not enough. You have to target your core and leg muscles as well. But even so, if your strength is not up to par you still need to have good flexibility.

Stay flexible. If there is one muscle group prone to being tight and linked to back pain, it’s your hamstrings. Hamstrings are the powerful big bundle of muscle in the back of your upper legs. When these muscles are tight they tilt your pelvis and put a strain on your back. So to reduce low back pain, or to prevent low back pain, it’s imperative to stretch out the hamstrings. But don’t limit yourself to those. It is most beneficial to also address tightness in your hip muscles, thighs, calves and, of course, the back muscles themselves.

Use good body mechanics. Now it is time to put it all together. Let’s say you have good strength and flexibility and you are aware of your posture. That still is no guarantee you will never experience back pain — you also have to use smart and safe body mechanics. The general idea is to avoid placing stress on the spine by using your muscle strength and flexibility while maintaining good posture. This means keeping your spine in good alignment.  Your thigh muscles, not your back muscles, are the powerful muscles to use when it comes to lifting. Turning your feet rather than twisting at the trunk will decrease the stress on the small muscles and ligaments attached to your spine. It’s better to push heavy objects rather than to pull.  Take an extra second to think before you lift.

Back care and injury prevention is at times complex. Everyone has a unique situation and physical body.  The above rules are general and apply nearly perfectly to everyone. However, specific tailoring is needed for some people – some need more emphasis on stretching while others may need more education on postural exercises or body mechanics, etc.  If you are not sure what specifically you can do to help yourself you can come (or send a loved one or friend) to Results Physical Therapy for a free consultation. If your back symptoms are addressed now you won’t become part of the back pain statistics. Our goal is to help you save money and to flourish and prosper in 2013.

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