
MaineCF scholarship available for aspiring preservationists

Aspiring preservationists may be eligible for the Maine Community Foundation’s William J. Murtagh Scholarship for Graduate Historic Preservation Studies.

The scholarship is available to students pursuing graduate-level degrees with majors in historic preservation or similar fields including archaeology, architecture, landscape architecture, art history, museum studies, construction arts and sciences, architectural history, history, planning, preservation law, and building conservation.

Murtagh was one of the world’s leading preservationists. He served as vice president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and helped start preservation programs at several universities. Murtagh wrote one of the first college textbooks about historic preservation.

For more information and to apply, visit

The Maine Community Foundation brings people and resources together to build a better Maine through strategic giving, community leadership, personalized service, local expertise and strong investments. To learn more about the foundation, visit

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